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"Among the many things that our children learn in the process of education, some things are more important than others. There is a reason Allah does what he does. He has a system that has been commanded to us by his Messenger, Nabi Muhammad (Saw). It is our duty as a teacher to help our students understand the system of Allah that will help them understand the "real" reasons for events in this universe and the "real" remedies.

Shaykh Noor-ud-din Ghauri - Ummati School Advisory Comittee(USAC)

With so many quality schools in Tampa, you might rightly wonder what makes us different – what makes Ummati, UMMATI? After all, there is more than one Islamic school in town, many more magnet schools, many-many-many private schools, and some great public schools, too. So why us?

Low Tuition Cost

Our annual tuition has no hidden fees and is one of the lowest in Tampa. We believe you’ll find it to be a superb value for private islamic education in our area. We believe you’ll find value at Ummati because cost doesn’t have to be a barrier to studying here.

Islamic Overview

From daily Quran, Islamic Studies & Arabic, spiritual development to leadership training, we emphasize Islamic values, relationships, behavior and character in all that we do.

Education Excellence

Ummati is a local leader in academics. In addition to creating a lifelong passion for learning, we have significantly more students meeting the National standards that their peers in both local and state-wide public schools.

Student Teacher Ratio

Our low 4:1 student-teacher ratios enable our teachers to give each student personalized attention throughout the year.

Faculty & Staff

Our teachers and staff are highly qualified and experienced individuals committed to excellence, model civic responsibility, Islamic character and provide leadership in the community.

Not a wind blows or a leaf stirs or a drop of rain falls or a single seed sprouts or a plant grows except after Allah commands it to happen.
As they learn about the world around them in Math, Science, Social Studies, Geography and History and as they begin to learn how to communicate through language classes what they have learned UMMATI teaches the most important thing a child must learn THAT THERE IS ALLAH in everything.