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Let us ask ourselves a question:

If I have some money, what is the best way to spend it:

To answer this question, let us consider the following verses & narrations:

verses from the Quran

narrations from the Sunnah

Ummati maintains a need-blind admission policy for all applicants, admitting the most qualified and best-fit students without regard for a family’s ability to pay. A family’s financial circumstances will never play a role in an admission decision at Ummati.

what are the maximum tuition costs?

Annual Tuition:$6,000.00 per student (Payable in 12 or 10 monthly installments.)

One-time Fees per student All fees are mandatory and non-refundable.

what if I cannot pay in full?

To date, no child has been turned away due to a family’s inability to pay.

At Ummati we continue to strive to make our educational experience accessible to all. As operational costs continue to rise, our current financial aid pool is simply not enough to support the multiple types of diversity that we cherish at our school. In an attempt to attract more families with varying socio-economic means, and to further close the gap between tuition and true operating costs, Ummati uses a sliding-scale tuition.

Ummati School is among the first schools in Tampa to adopt this model, which has been successfully used to promote diversity in schools around the world.

Below are some common FAQ’s about Ummati’s Tuition Policy.

Tuition FAQs

Why sliding scale tuition?

Ummati seeks to provide an environment for learning and growth, whereby students are introduced to, welcome, embrace, and celebrate differences. Diversity is essential to that end. And our new sliding scale tuition policy demonstrates our commitment to cultivating such a space. Sliding-scale tuition enables all Ummati families to educate their children as equal members of an economically, racially, and culturally diverse community.

  • Our commitment to diversity rests firmly upon this tuition system.
  • Sliding-scale tuition enables all Ummati families to educate their children as equal members of an economically, racially, and culturally diverse community.
  • We believe that diversity provides the basis for exploring multiple perspectives throughout our curriculum.
  • True Diversity - Benefits Everyone and helps build an UMMAH

How does it work?

  • Sliding-scale tuition is based on the principle that a family’s financial commitment should be in equitable proportion to its financial resources.
  • The same financial information is asked of all parents.
  • Applying for sliding-scale tuition is optional. Families that choose not to apply for sliding-scale consideration will be assessed the full Tuition of $6000 per year per child.

how much might my family pay?

The table below is intended to provide you with a rough estimate of how much you might pay based on your income and assets. It is not a guarantee of admission and does not reflect your final tuition amount.

Illustrative Fee Table

Does Sliding Scale Tuition affect the quality of experience offered at Ummati?

No, not at all. Ummati programs & activities are structured as if each family was paying full tuition. This approach enables Ummati to provide a remarkably high-quality experience for all children attending Ummati! At Ummati, we create an environment of true equality, eliminating the labels of “full-paying families” and “financial aid families.”

Do I need to fill out my income details in the Parents’ Financial Agreement?

No, filling out the income is optional, and families choosing to not complete the income will simply pay the full Ummati tuition rate of $6,000 annually.

How long will it take for Ummati to confirm the Tuition rate?

The Sliding Scale Tuition rate is typically confirmed within 5-7 business days, and as the start of school gets closer, the process can take as little as 1-2 business days!

What if my financial situation changes significantly and I discover that I have a financial need that I didn’t have before?

If such changes occur, please just update our office to discuss options. Ummati Office can be reached at or 813.922.8684.

What is the Tuition Payment Policy

  • Tuition is can be paid in 10 monthly installments of $600.00 or 12 monthly installments of $500.00
  • Monthly tuition payments are due by the 5th of each month August through May.
  • Monthly tuition will not be pro-rated for non-attendance.
  • Enrollment fees, textbook fees, testing fees, technology fees, and first month’s tuition ARE NOT SUBJECT TO REFUND.
  • The Textbook fee is a RENTAL fee; you will be charged full cost to replace any lost books and a fair fee for any damaged materials.
  • Tuition is continuous throughout the year and is not discounted for holidays or in-service days. No credit/refund will be owed if UMMATI School must close because of emergency or inclement weather.
  • We will NOT be obligated to release to you or any other school any student records until all your financial obligations to the UMMATI are paid in full, except as may otherwise be provided by law.

Our sliding scale tuition model means access and affordability for all & AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR CHILD'S FUTURE.

Ready to Enroll your Child! Click here to begin the enrollment process!

Have more questions? Please contact our Office via email at or call 813.922.8684

We strive to make equitable decisions which will allow all students otherwise qualified to attend school. School Administrators are authorized to use their professional judgement when making final interpretations of the data and allocation of funds.