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The discussion below is about an Islamic school with the RIGHT WORLDVIEW & VISION (not just a muslim managed school) vs Public education.

Feel free to substitute the word 'School' with 'Homeschool co op'.

May Allah help us fulfill our responsiblities with Ihsan.

Students spend 15,000 hours in school from kindergarten through 12th grade. That is a lot of time. That means that your decision regarding your child's school is really a 15,000-hour decision. Who will shape your son? Who will influence your daughter? How will Allah and his Nabi be portrayed? Your choice of school matters greatly and we believe that an excellent education within a Islamic school is the best way to prepare your child for their career and life.

Why would we choose to send our children to an Islamic School?

First of all, one must ask the question:“What is the purpose of a school?”

We believe that a school’s ultimate purpose should be to equip children to understand the truth about life, the world, and their place in it.

We also believe that in order to understand these truths, the deeper questions regarding the meaning and purpose of life cannot be ignored. The curriculum of public education cannot guide students through these deeper questions of life, and it cannot use the Word of Allah and his Nabi (Qur’an & Sunnah) as it’s standard of truth. Islamic Schools, on the other hand, seek to equip students to recognize Allah in all subject areas of learning, and to respond in obedience to His call to be transforming influences in society.

Secondly, not only does a school shape a child’s mind, but one also cannot ignore the impact that a school has on the heart of a child. All schools have a vision for the kind of person they want their students to become. In other words, schools do not only teach information, but they also seek to educate the emotions, and influence the living actions of a child’s life. The power a school has to impress a worldview on a youngster is great.

So, the ultimate question then becomes: “What kind of school mission/goal do I want at work in my child’s life?”

Here is an example of two mission statements from two public schools:

“The district is committed to training and enabling students to be academically sound, responsible, productive, and contributing members of the community.”

“The district will educate each student to develop the knowledge, skills, and character necessary to lead a self-reliant, socially responsible life.”

In contrast, here is the goal of an Islamic School:

The primary goal of school is to produce committed, practicing Muslims,