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OUR CURRICULUM is exceptional. We designed it that way.

The foundation for any successful education is its curriculum. Ummati offers one of the finest, most comprehensive, program guided by Islamic Content Areas that ranks with the best available anywhere. It is unquestionably a core strength of the entire Ummati learning experience.

Only the Finest Materials Make the Cut

Our curriculum experts(teachers + Ulema) apply rigor in identifying, reviewing, and selecting texts and other teaching materials, and in creating lesson plans. We utilize the best curriculum resources from leading publishers and providers, and we also develop our own.

The Foundation of a Great Education

English Language Arts / Reading - The Ummati ELAR program is designed to develop literacy and lifelong readers/writers. We strive to develop character and habits that support diverse learning. Human language is a unique gift from Allah to be used in the service of Allah , neighbor, and self. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing involve complex thought processes. These thought processes support understanding, discovering meaning, solving problems, and learning independently and communally. The purpose of language arts is to glorify Allah through good communication. Through the development of these skills, students can receive Allah's Word through reading, convey Allah's truth through writing, and effectively communicate Allah's truth to their society through effective speaking.

Mathematics -The Ummati Mathematics curriculum is designed to provide each student with the 360 Curriculum. Our 360 Curriculum is a well-rounded curriculum that focuses on growing the entire student and fosters critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and social development. Math instruction points students to the orderliness, balance, and precision with which , the Creator, has designed the universe. The laws and principles of mathematics are another aspect of Allah's truth. Math instruction includes the development of computational skills as well as the development of problem-solving strategies and critical thinking skills.

Science -The Ummati Science program is designed to develop scientific knowledge, critical thinking, and appreciation of science. Our students will acquire the tools needed to engage in informed conversations, become careful consumers of scientific information related to their everyday life, and have the skills necessary to enter careers of their choice. Science is the study of Allah's creation and His laws governing it. The purpose of learning science concepts, skills, and content is to develop literacy in this area and increase in the knowledge of Allah and His creation.

Social Studies - The Ummati Social Studies program is designed to develop character and habits of mind equipped to observe, think, promote civic responsibility, and make judgments about complex and demanding issues in a modern society and interdependent world. The social studies program will help equip students with an understanding of people and their cultures. The social studies program reveals Allah's providence in all of history and includes the study of anthropology, sociology, economics, government, geography, civics, and current events. History enables us to learn from the past. It gives us the opportunity to change our present circumstances and empowers us to plan for the future. It serves to strengthen our faith in the mercy of Allah .

Life Skills - The BIGGEST educational opportunity is presented when a child asks a Question. Our job is to help him asks Questions. And then talk to him. Not tell him, Not let him know but discuss his Question with him/her.

The goal in Life Skills class is two-fold

Help the students maintain a relationship in 5 dimensions

    • Relationship with Self
    • Relationship with closed ones
    • Relationship with Allah
    • Relationship with Others
    • Relationship with Fitrah (Nature)
  1. Help the students develop Useful Productive Skills

Students who receive these instructions, will have the

Physical education - PE contributes to the student's' mental, physical, spiritual, and social development. Students will acquire a knowledge and understanding of the human body in action. This knowledge is used while developing skills and participating in physical activities that are age-appropriate and that develop the human body. Since our bodies are a trust from Allah , students are taught how to care for and strengthen them.

Students participate in a wide variety of learning experiences that help them develop into well-balanced learners. The teacher strives to provide activities that will actively involve students in the learning process.